VectorVest SMSF Balanced vs AORD

The SMSF Balanced Portfolio finds the balance between growth and income. What if you could find stocks that have capital growth as well as income! At VectorVest, we have seen that stocks in the range between $1 to $5 have had some of the most explosive growth in in recent years as depicted by this portfolio. Below are some of the key mechanics of the SMSF Balanced Portfolio:

  • 5 Positions in total at any time
  • The stocks being found have a Dividend Yield of at least 2% or higher
  • Less than 8 trades a year on average
  • Sophisticated Marketing Timing applied to ensure optimum performance
  • Only stocks with sufficient liquidity make it into the portfolio
  • No penny stocks
  • Up over 21% since July ’17 to July ’18 excluding franking credits and dividends

Since the launch of the SMSF Balanced Portfolio in 2012, the portfolio has annualised over 50% per year!

Some of the standout trades in this portfolio over the years:

Stock Code Entry Date Exit Date Returns
GEM 24/1/13 21/11/2014 171.64%
GXL 5/7/2012 28/5/2013 98.42%
CCP 27/1/2012 26/3/2013 77.98%
VTG 5/1/2016 30/8/2016 73.12%

Take out a trial to find out more about this portfolio and some of the other key portfolios that we track in VectorVest!


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