Thanks to everyone who gave me their feedback on the first cut of the growth portfolio – 10 share portfolio.

One common point of interest was how a growth portfolio stacked up over the GFC.

I went back to back-tester and ran the tests from 2007 through to present.  After many tests, I am pleased to present the revised growth portfolio that holds up through the GFC:

Revised Growth Portfolio Graph

The aim of this portfolio is to get the best returns but not at all costs.  The returns are stacked up relative to:

  • Drawdown
  • Trades required
  • Number of sectors invested in
  • Number of industries invested in
  • % of total stock volume purchased in a given day

The portfolio above ensures:

  • Drawdown is kept to the 20% mark (20.27%)
  • Trades are averaging 2 trades a month on average
  • No more than 2 sectors picked up on average (out of 10 stocks)
  • No more than 2 industries picked up on average (out of 10 stocks)
  • No more than 5% of a stocks average volume picked up or sold on a given day

This portfolio seeks to maximise growth returns while doing so in a careful manner.  The stop loss set is a 30% Gain, 15% Loss.  As we have seen over the years in Australia – the wider ranging stop losses typically perform better than the tight stop losses.  It helps reduce the number of trades – and improves the returns on average.

The revised portfolio makes use of a further refined UniSearch parameter set – where I have ensured no penny stocks are purchased, sufficient liquidity and stable price pattern (per our CI screening)


The settings for the portfolio is as follows:

Revised Growth Portfolio II settings(click image to enlarge)

To see exactly how this portfolio is setup and further commentary behind this portfolio,  Please Click Here to see the video.

Please note – the UniSearch is not currently loaded into VectorVest – and the portfolio is not currently in the system.  However, per the video, you can quickly create the portfolio and track it until it is released.


