We have looked at the Australian Retail Sector on a number of occasions and based on a growing interest in this sector by investors, we will use VectorVest to look at it again for potential investment opportunities.
At VectorVest we don’t make predictions; we deal in facts looking at what is happening at the moment in making our investment decisions. As of 19 March 2024, we have seen several retail stocks showing strong price performance. It appears contrary to the general narrative out there of rates higher for longer and tougher times prevailing, especially for the Retail Sector.
There are a number of stocks in Consumer Discretionary Retailing that are holding up well at present. How do we know this? The Industry Viewer in VectorVest gives us the answer. Let’s take a closer look in VectorVest 7 (if you would like access to VectorVest 7 for Australia, you can trial us out for 30 days).
Click on the Viewers tab and then on the left-hand side, click on Industry Viewer. All the industries are sorted by Relative Timing (RT) in descending order. This is a goldmine of valuable information. You now have a snapshot of the key performing industries in Australia. The top 3 industries on 19 March 2024 are ETFs with the 4th best performing industry being Consumer Discretionary (Retailing).

To view the Industry Graph, right click on the Consumer Discr (Retailing) industry and select View Industry Graph:

For the purpose of this exercise, ensure you have the Earnings Per Share (EPS) parameter ticked.
VectorVest’s graph tool is invaluable in providing insight and an overall picture of a given industry. If the average price of all the stocks in an industry is going up, and the industry has rising earnings (which are the engine of share price growth), you would expect to find several good stocks in that industry.
Now let’s use VectorVest to find all the stocks in Consumer Discretionary (Retailing). Going back to the Industry Viewer, right click on Consumer Discretionary (Retailing) and then select: View Stocks in Industry Group. A new window will open up, listing all the stocks that make up the industry. From there you can use your VectorVest Stock Analysis Tools to find the best stocks that suit your investment objectives.
As an example, on 19 March 2024, the second stock on the list was CTT.AX. Graphing it shows the turnaround in EPS since the middle of last year. This stock also has an impressive annual Earnings Growth Rate (GRT) of 37%.

Should falling inflation plus interest rate cuts become a sustainable reality, this stock could benefit. Use your VectorVest tools to help you find the winners.
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